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 (Formerly operated as Intellact)

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Who are we?
Client Partners
Caduceus Cons.

This page lists some of the diverse services that intallact (formerly intellact) specializes in.  It is this unique combination of talents and backgrounds that enable us to deliver powerful solutions in small niche marketplaces.  Click on any of the topics listed, for more information on what makes us different.

Corporate Experiential Training and Development

We are highly qualified in the design and delivery of professional corporate experiential training and development programs.

Professional Workplace Communication Skill Development

The combination of extensive business experience, practical study of communication theory and skills, an expert communicator, and a suite of professional theatre-based activities to deliver the content, separates our Professional Communication Skill Development Service from other more pre-packaged lecture-oriented programs.  Effective and fun training with a solid impact!

Dramatic Explorations of Situational Leadership®

Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership® II model is an immensely popular and powerful way to enhance leadership effectiveness in any organization.  The traditional materials available can describe the concepts, illustrate examples, and allow participants to practice decision-making using the model.  At Intallact, we can support training in that model by taking it one step further: participants experience the model in action.  They will actually feel how employees experience each situational quadrant, and live the role of the leader in each as well.  This workshop is fun, challenging, unique, and immediately relevant.

Unique Conference Services

V-Space Conference Management

Imagine your next conference being the best one your organization has ever had.  Every single participant getting precisely the learning they are looking for, key staff members feeling empowered and recognized, and you don't pay a cent for outside presenters.  Yes, it is possible, by using what's called a Virtual Space format, but it's not for everyone.  Find out if this powerful tool would fit your situation!

Presentation Content Support Services

A unique Intallact offering for conferences and large meetings, that results in substantial improvements in participant feedback and information retention.  Do you have a large amount of content to get across to your staff?  Don't let your presentations put them to sleep.  We can help!

Computerized Corporate Quiz Show

A product unlike anything else out there, and a sure-fire hit with your staff gathering.  Read how our quiz shows are computerized, themed, engaging, effective, polished, hosted, and fun!

Suite of Software for OutBack Renewable Energy Inverters

Our offices are powered by a wind turbine.  This project is an excellent example of our highly innovative approach to challenges, from our unique tilt-tower enhancements, to the software that monitors and partially controls the inverters that manage the power system.  Interest was so high in our suite of application tools that we now market them worldwide.

Theatrical Improvisation for Business

<under construction - see our Professional Communication Skill Development Service and our experiential page>

Systems Analysis and Visual Basic Programming

In its previous incarnation as Caduceus Consulting, Intallact pioneered the integration of Visual Basic with the MultiValue (PICK) database in 1991.

Production Design for Theatre

Andrew Welch has designed lights and sets for more than 50 productions over the last 25 years.  A complete C.V. can be found on this web site.

Outdoor Programs for Youth

We currently offer youth program facilitation services on a contract basis to program providers, such as the Bark Lake Leadership Centre.

Medical Software Issues

We have extensive experience in a variety of medical software issues, and although we are not actively pursuing contracts in this industry, we do occasionally respond to requests for specialized consulting in this area.

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Copyright © 2006-09 Andrew Welch