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Content Support


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Our Presentation Content Support Service is a truly unique intallact offering for conferences and large meetings.  Do you have a large amount of information to get across to your staff?  Were they overwhelmed by last year's 300 PowerPoint slides?  We can help you present the same content such that participants remain engaged, are entertained, AND retain more of what you are trying to get across, regardless of the technical complexity.

We typically deliver this service at gatherings such as National Sales Meetings, where sales reps. must sit through hours of presentations on sales figures, marketing, product releases, and plans for the upcoming cycles.  Most participants used to see these sessions as a necessary evil that had to be endured before getting back to the fun parts of their gathering.  If this sounds familiar, you are not getting the best return on your meetings.

What is a Presentation Content Support Service?

Our Presentation Content Support Service has 3 outcomes:

  1. Keep the participants engaged to their maximum potential.
  2. Transform presentation sessions into fun components, while still getting down to serious business.
  3. Ensure that every participant retains more of the critical content.

Services that we have provided include:

bullet Supporting presented content with fun relevant activities
bullet Supporting learning with experiential initiatives
bullet Finding diverse and stimulating ways to present required content
bullet Providing energizers and relevant breaks to keep participants engaged
bullet Even presenting material ourselves when appropriate

How does it happen?

First, you decide on what must be presented, as usual, going at least as far creating drafts of all of the material.  Next, we discuss some of the options for supporting that material, fitting in with any conference themes, other activities, and the venue.  We review actual presentation material and suggest how to best get that content across to the target audience.  Finally, working hand-in-hand with the presenters at the actual gathering, we can be involved at many levels, from presenting relevant energizers, to facilitating discussions, to actually presenting material.  And throughout the sessions, our trained professionals are always standing by, ready to assist in dealing with both planned and unplanned(!) events.

It works!

Our clients tell us that they have never had such success with their presentations.  We attribute this to our proven methodology for keeping everyone actively engaged and stimulated, and the talent and diverse intelligences of our seasoned professionals who are premiere presenters themselves.

The participant feedback indicates that staff truly enjoyed sessions that in past years were dry monologues to be simply endured.  Management and presenters have told us that they were amazed with how much material was retained by the attendees, and how much more effectively their messages were being delivered.

For more information on our Content Support service, please contact us.


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Copyright © 2006-09 Andrew Welch