WinLink-based S/W Developer Service

A Service for Developers using WinLink, including tools and training

Via Systems manages a program for software developers who are using or considering incorporating the WinLink connectivity product in their applications.  The WinLink-based Software Developer Service includes consulting, software tools and utilities, training, and special licensing agreements for making the WinLink integration transparent to the end-user.  The services are provided by qualified independent consulting firms who are specifically authorized by Via Systems.  The goal of the program is to make it is easier for application developers to offer seamless integration of the Windows desktop with their current software and any MultiValue database.

The first Authorized WinLink-based Software Developer Services provider was Caduceus Consulting of Toronto, Ontario.  Caduceus Consulting participated in the development of the WinLink product and is widely recognized for its hands-on Visual Basic training for MultiValue professionals.  Andrew Welch, senior consultant with Caduceus, states that his company will offer its own extensive set of tools and utilities at no extra charge to participating clients.  The company can guide software developers through the entire process of integrating their existing applications with mainstream technology, from the initial planning and training to ongoing developer support.

The service also includes the WinLink Integration Provider’s Program (WIPP).  Under WIPP, developers receive: a master set of Single User Workstation disks for copying and distribution or inclusion in their own installation program, the ability to purchase discounted serialized WinLink licenses in blocks of 25, the ability to turn off WinLink’s splash banner (making the product transparent to the user), and the right to distribute “Account Saves” of the host software.

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Last modified: Thursday May 25, 2006