Andrew Welch, Caduceus Consulting - Testimonials

<see also Reference Clients>

Comments from Previous Course Participants:

bullet"I emphatically recommend Andrew's Visual Basic workshop. It saves a lot of time on the learning curve for Pick people, and will benefit experienced VB/Pick people as well." - S. Lynch, Sequoia Systems

bullet"The instructor's ability to speak to other MultiValue programmers was a great opportunity. This course was beyond excellent." - N. Plummer, Cuddledown of Maine

bullet"This is the first exposure I've had to VBA. I feel I now have a clear overview and the ability to charge into coding and get something done. I am surprised at how much I learned. Well WELL beyond expectancy." - Philadelphia Spectrum attendee

bullet"A terrific talk by a knowledgeable, clear, and organized speaker. Great job. Invite him back! He obviously knows his material inside-out." - Pick Users of Florida workshop attendee

bullet"I recommend Andrew's course. This stuff is key to D3 from Pick Systems." - J. Adams, Pick Systems

bullet"The class was a major success. I look through my VB course booklet almost every day when I'm writing code. I look forward to taking another class." - J. Zimmerman, Golubov Computer Sales

bullet"A very knowledgable, experienced insructor with a gift for sharing information in an effective manner." - B. Rogen, Freeze

bullet"Interesting speaker with a sense of humor. I got just what I wanted!" - Pick Users of Florida workshop attendee

bullet"Andrew Welch is one of the best teachers around. He is clear, articulate, and very easy to understand." - J. Smith, Western Design Howden

bullet"Absolutely recommended! Another excellent presentation by a guy who really knows his stuff." - B. Rubosky, James Boyd Associates

bullet"I like the way he points out short cuts and things the manuals don't tell you." - K. Mayhew, PUOF

bullet"The future is meeting Pick Programmers head-on. I would recommend this workshop and instructor to associates." - J. Newman, PC Manager

bullet"Very informative, patient, excellent information, good teaching style." - R. Thompson, Ravel Inc.

bullet"Have already suggested to friends that they take this course." - G. Tredway, Tredway Consulting

bullet"This has been all I expected and more. Could have stayed longer and tried more things." - Pick Users of Florida workshop attendee

Reference Clients

Although Caduceus Consulting is no longer actively pursuing IT contracts, the following persons are still familiar with past Caduceus Consulting work and are pleased to act as references for Andrew Welch:

Clint Lewis
32U Consulting
Colorodo Springs, Colorado
(719) 442-0926

Rhonda Sullivan, President
Lavelle Industries, Inc.
Burlington, WI
(414) 763-2434 or 1-800-528-3553

Open Systems Database Association
(formerly Pick Users of Florida)
Joan Morris, Executive Administrator John Powers, President?
(305) 448-5106 (?)

Peter Breuckner, President
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Inc.
Toronto, ON
(416) 594-9393

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Last modified: Thursday May 25, 2006