Caduceus Consulting - Courses & Services

Caduceus Consulting was a leading training center for Visual Basic in the MultiValue (Pick-like) relational database environment.  We conducted highly successful courses for our clients, using professional top-notch educators.  Attendees came from a wide variety of backgrounds from junior programmers through to senior consultants and managers, many with extensive MultiValue programming experience  (See our partial client list.).  Our courses gave fast, effective training in Visual Basic that was geared specifically to the Pick professional.  All classes were available either in lecture or hands-on format (client to provide hardware).  Hands-on courses included bound course notes, sample software, exercises, connectivity software, and unlimited support!


Caduceus Consulting no longer offers scheduled classes, however our most popular course, "Visual Basic for the PICK/MultiValue programmer", is still available in 3 to 5 day formats.  Contact Andrew Welch through intellact for more information.


Caduceus Consulting offered competitively priced consulting services in the following areas:

bulletIntegration of Windows desktop and MultiValue (Pick-like) database
bulletVisual Basic access to a remote MultiValue host
bulletAny MultiValue-based system, include analysis and design
bulletMedical software consulting, especially Laboratory Information Systems

Note that substantial PICK/BASIC or Visual Basic programming services are NO LONGER AVAILABLE.

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Partial Client List

bulletA La Carte Express
bulletAdvantage Solutions (formerly Samuelson Computer Services), IL
bulletALA Information Systems
bulletAmerican International Company, Bermuda
bulletArtificial Intelligence in Medicine, ON
bulletAtlantic Management
bulletAutoPower Inc., FL
bulletBasic Technologies
bulletBurslem Computer Works
bulletBusiness Data Services, CO
bulletChoice Computing
bulletCOPS Monitoring
bulletCRP Industries
bulletData.Com, Inc., MN
bulletE. A. Crowell & Associates, NC
bulletEDP, United Kingdom
bulletFinsoft Limited, Bermuda
bulletFlemingdon Medical Laboratories, ON
bulletGolubov Computer Sales
bulletHarrison, Young, Pesonen & Newell Inc.
bulletHobart Brothers of Canada
bulletImage Integration, FL
bulletIntellidata Inc., VA
bulletInternational Spectrum, CA
bulletIntersoft Consulting Services, CA
bulletJ. Alan Associates
bulletJames Boyd Associates
bulletJason Marketing, CA
bulletJewish Community Center of Binghamton, NY
bulletKempton Group, OK
bulletKeystone Mercy Health Plan, PA
bulletKTS Systems Group, ON
bulletLavelle Industries, WI
bulletMaple Lodge Farms, ON
bulletMedia Services Group
bulletMedical Information Management Systems
bulletNewcourt Services
bulletNewMedia, Inc., IN
bulletNorthern Health Solutions, PA
bulletObjectware, NY
bulletOpen Systems Database Assoc. (PUOF)
bulletPC Manager
bulletPalmdale Water District, CA
bulletPick Systems, CA
bulletProfessional Team Solutions, ON
bulletRepton Data, PA
bulletRichmond Open Systems User Group, VA
bulletSequel Corporation, MO
bulletSolair Inc., FL
bulletSunesta Products, FL
bulletTalent Payment Services
bulletTronia Systems, AB
bulletVia Systems, CO
bulletVirginia Housing Development Authority, VA
bulletWagner & Brown, TX
bulletWestern Design Howden, CA
bulletWomens College Hospital

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Copyright © 2006 intellact
Last modified: Thursday May 25, 2006