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 (Formerly operated as intellact)

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About the Company

Services we provide
Who are we?
Client Partners and References
Canadian Experiential Education Practitioners Symposium
Caduceus Consulting Archive

Welcome to the web presence of Intallact Consulting (formerly operated as intellact), a company that provides a diverse range of specialized services across Canada and around the world.  Our primary focus is currently in the area of corporate facilitation and experiential training & development.  We also maintain clients in the renewable energy sector, systems analysis, and professional theatre industries.  It is this unique combination of talents and backgrounds that enable us to deliver powerful solutions in small niche marketplaces.

A great overview of our services, and how some of these diverse areas of expertise are interrelated, is given by our graphical project web:

intallact web

Our Mission

To maintain a high level of intellectual challenge for ourselves,
    earn recognition and respect in the industries that we operate in,
    exceed client expectations every time,
    earn a fair return for our contributions,
    have fun,
    and have a positive, lasting impact on the people and world around us.

Company Profile

We continue to respond to requests for consulting assistance in the following areas:

bullet Corporate experiential training and development
bullet Unique conference services
bullet Theatrical improvisation for business applications
bullet Custom programming for Renewable Energy systems
bullet Visual Basic programming, primarily for MultiValue platforms
bullet Performance design; especially set, lighting, and plot development
bullet Adventure outdoor programs for youth
bullet Medical software issues

Our most highly visible project of recent years is the WattPlot suite of software products, powerful tools for monitoring renewable energy systems.

We also created the Canadian Experiential Education Practitioners Symposium (CEEPS) in 2002, a powerful personal development and networking forum, and the only annual EE conference in Canada.  Unfortunately this symposium is now on hold, due to dwindling industry support.

Founded by Andrew Welch, intallact is now in its 30th successful year of business, having been registered in 1984 as Caduceus Medical Software.  We have had a few names since then: Caduceus Software and Consulting (1993), Caduceus Consulting (1998), and intellact (2003).

Contact Information

On demand - call above number for fax arrangements
Head office: 
Located in Alton, Ontario, (between Caledon & Orangeville), just north of Toronto, Canada
Postal address: 
57 Mary Street, Alton, Ontario, L7K 0E3, Canada
Electronic mail: 

Intallact web

Copyright © 2003-13 Andrew Welch
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